If you read the text on this one, you’ll see drag and drop audio files, which is what we’re going to be doing. Here, we’re going to click the icon with a microphone on it. Once you do that, a new screen will appear. Go ahead and double-click the Empty Project icon. The first thing you’ll see is a screen asking you to create an Empty Project. Then, type “GarageBand” and press return. To open GarageBand, press cmd + spacebar to bring up Spotlight search. If you don’t have it, you can download it for free from the Mac App Store. It’s free and (I believe) pre-installed on your Mac. GarageBand is the music creation app that comes with Mac natively. None are necessarily better than the others – it just comes down to what’s most convenient for you. You’ll probably notice that these methods are pretty similar and interchangeable. The third will require third-party software that you probably already have and can get on Mac and PC for free. The first two are going to be Mac-specific you won’t need to download any extra apps. I’m going to be covering three different methods to convert video to audio. Let’s get started! Method 1: Convert video to audio using GarageBand In this post, you’ll learn how to do all of these things. Or, maybe you’re making in GarageBand and want to incorporate audio from a video into your track. Maybe you have a video recording of a concert you attended and want to add the music to your Apple Music library. There are several reasons why you might find this useful. MP4 format) and turn it into an audio file (generally using the.

Specifically, we’re going to be looking at how you can take an existing video file (generally using the.

Both of these posts have prepped us for today’s topic, which is how to convert video to audio on Mac. In previous posts, I’ve covered how to safely download YouTube videos and upload Bandcamp music to your Apple Music library.